Friday, September 15, 2006

The Fantastic Four ... !!

The FANTASTIC FOUR, read Satya, Pranay, Swapna and to a certain extent me(though I can be coveniently expelled and rename the remaining to the TERRIFIC TROIKA) assembled at one place and for a significant length of time for the first time in 4 years. The occasion was quite fruitful too, what with Satya coming out with flying colours in his last exam for his MBA degree. Everything was planned by him and that it was planned at the last minute made it all the more enjoyable.

We had a drive in Satya's Santro from Prabhat Road to AMBROSIA. Though we couldn't quite figure out where exactly AMBROSIA was even after driving through its entrance. When we finally made ourselves comfortable, it was time to reflect on times spent together, philosophical jargon and a laugh-a-minute riot to the point that we could have even embarassed the waiters. Pranay and I decided to get high and drink till we drop (though we found it extremely tough). Its amazing how you let loose your sense of eating and drinking when you know that you don't have to pay .... :)

Pranay had 3 large pegs of whisky while I experienced 3 small pegs of Vodka for the first time in my life. I usually get high even with the smallest amount of alcohol but this was something way ahead of what I had ever experienced. No more beer now, just Vodka. One chicken platter, one Murgh Chettinad (amazing dish), 3 bowls each of Shev and Daal snacks, 4 Masala Papads, 3 Garlic Naans and some Rotis later, we had had the time of our life. In a way, no one wanted to leave the place and keep talking and laughing.

Satya took us all on a drive again, this time to Pirangut and Bhugaon but due to lack of visibility coz of the rain, we decided to change the plan and went to one of the best spots in Pune if you want a soothing atmosphere as well as relaxation. We went to a place just off Bangalore highway, supposedly high on altitude and couldnt help but marvel at the sight of a city shimmering in the night. The talks continued and we didnt realise when it was midnight. Thats when we decided to rush home.

Anywayz, it was great to spend quality time with by bumchums from BCS. How I wish Satya could somehow manage to give another exam ..... ;)

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